What is gold/gold coins (tomatoes, bricks)?

There are three types of resources: Gold(gold coins), Food (tomatoes) and Supplies (bricks). You will need them to clear the ruins, construct and upgrade buildings and totems, make deals in totems to get bonuses, play levels in the Ship (and also Cave, Pyramid, Star Gate that become available on higher XP levels) and Sphinx , to play event levels (for example Portal of the Worlds).

Here is how you can get resources:

  • Play match-3 levels. To collect more resources match mostly resource chips while playing levels. Upgrade your buildings to get access to more valuable resource chips.
  • Collect taxes from the buildings. If storage is full, resources can not be collected and icons above buildings are shaded. Spend some resources to free storage space.
  • You can get resources as a daily reward in Wheel of Fortune. This reward will be added to the resources storage even when it is full.
  • Buy resources in the Shop.

 Here are a few tips about how resources work:

  • The resources storage is limited and you cannot collect resources if the storage is full. You will see the message "Not Enough Storage", it is about your resources. Some portion needs to be spent to be able to collect resources again.
  • If you lack options to spend resources right now, some portion collected while playing levels will be lost. The solution is to increase your XP level, each time you reach a new XP level your maximum storage is increased too.
  • To check the current amount of resource and maximum storage capacity  please tap on the counters in the upper right corner of the screen.
  • Each building brings you only one type of resource.
  • Resources can not be exchanged for crystals.

Awem Help Center

What is gold/gold coins (tomatoes, bricks)?

There are three types of resources: Gold(gold coins), Food (tomatoes) and Supplies (bricks). You will need them to clear the ruins, construct and upgrade buildings and totems, make deals in totems to get bonuses, play levels in the Ship (and also Cave, Pyramid, Star Gate that become available on higher XP levels) and Sphinx , to play event levels (for example Portal of the Worlds).

Here is how you can get resources:

  • Play match-3 levels. To collect more resources match mostly resource chips while playing levels. Upgrade your buildings to get access to more valuable resource chips.
  • Collect taxes from the buildings. If storage is full, resources can not be collected and icons above buildings are shaded. Spend some resources to free storage space.
  • You can get resources as a daily reward in Wheel of Fortune. This reward will be added to the resources storage even when it is full.
  • Buy resources in the Shop.

 Here are a few tips about how resources work:

  • The resources storage is limited and you cannot collect resources if the storage is full. You will see the message "Not Enough Storage", it is about your resources. Some portion needs to be spent to be able to collect resources again.
  • If you lack options to spend resources right now, some portion collected while playing levels will be lost. The solution is to increase your XP level, each time you reach a new XP level your maximum storage is increased too.
  • To check the current amount of resource and maximum storage capacity  please tap on the counters in the upper right corner of the screen.
  • Each building brings you only one type of resource.
  • Resources can not be exchanged for crystals.
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