Please see below troubleshooting solutions that can help you. After trying each solution, check to see if it fixed the issue with friends.
1 - Make sure your Internet connection is enabled and you have a stable signal (for example, you are not far from your modem if you are using Wi-Fi).
2 - Make sure the game is connected to Facebook. Check it in the game Settings.
3 - Restart your device.
4 - Open the game settings and tap Facebook connected to log out.
If you play iOS version then go to Settings > Accounts and tap the Facebook connected button to log out.
Then restart your device, open the game, and log in Facebook.
If your friends are still missing, try refreshing your list of friends:
1 – Log out of Facebook in the game. Go to the Settings and tap the Facebook connected button to log out.
If you play iOS version then go to Settings > Accounts and tap the Facebook connected button to log out.
2 – Go into your Settings in Facebook app.
3 – Select Apps and Websites.
4 – If the game is in the list of Active apps select Cradle of Empires, remove it from the list and go to step 5.
If the game is in the list of Expired apps view Cradle of Empires info.
Please check the following settings:
- Name and profile picture
- Email address is checked
- Friends list is checked
You will see an option to Renew Access. Choose it.
5 – Restart your device.
6 – Open the game and log back into Facebook. Facebook will ask you the standard permission questions.