Here is how to sync your devices:
- Install the game on the new device.
- Make sure you have a stable internet connection.
- Log in Facebook using the same account you used on the first device.
- A window telling you to download the saved game from our cloud will pop up.
- Tap Yes to confirm. Your game progress will be transferred.
NOTE: The downloaded game progress will completely replace your current progress.
There's a number of requirements:
- You must have the latest game version on both devices
- Both devices must meet the minimum system requirements
- Don't play the game on two or more devices simultaneously. Don't play the game if it's open on your other devices. Don't switching between devices quickly. Otherwise it may cause serious issues with saving and transferring your progress across devices.
- Make sure you go to the city view before you exit the game (it won’t sync correctly if you close the game on match-3 levels, in Friends menu, ect.)
- Exit the game correctly: Close it to your multitasking bar and then swipe it away from the multitasking bar. (Don't lock your device with the game running or don't leave your device with the game running as the device will lock and the progress you’ve just made may fail to be saved.)
In order to play on two (or more) devices, you need to play your game on your devices in turn (non-simultaneously) and make progress. To make progress means to improve one of the parameters below:
1. XP points
2. The number of the earned anchors, shovels, keys
3. The number of the earned pieces of the Mysterious diagram, Gold Runes, Skystones
4. The number of the completed levels in the Ship, Cave and Pyramid
Attention: Gifts, Taxes, Resources, Crystals, Portal, Lotus, Wheel and other items can't be saved and synced on their own if you do not improve any of the parameters above when you switch between devices. For example, when you collect taxes, or gifts, but do not make progress, it won't be saved and transferred across your device.