
Completing collections is important for your game progress. Find collection items on match-3 levels to complete quests and collections. You also need charges to be able to complete your collections.


  • Collection Items – Items that you need to collect to complete the collection. Play match-3 levels to find all the items.
  • Chargers – The chargers that you need to complete the collection. Here you can see how many chargers out of the required ones you currently have. Tap the chargers to find or buy more if you need.
  • Complete Collection – Tap the Assemble button to complete the collection. You can complete the collection when you have all the collection items and chargers.
  • Final Collection Item (Artifact) – After you've completed the collection, you get a final collection item (artifact). You can complete collections many times and get artifacts. You can see how many artifacts you've already earned (x1).
  • Completed Collection – Shows that you have completed the collection.
  • Rewards for completing collection – You can get bonuses, chargers, spells and energy for completing collections.
  • Rare Collections – Tap the tab to go to Rare Collections. Assembling a rare collection gives you a worthy reward. You can get collection items for Rare Collections by assembling the required collections.

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Completing collections is important for your game progress. Find collection items on match-3 levels to complete quests and collections. You also need charges to be able to complete your collections.


  • Collection Items – Items that you need to collect to complete the collection. Play match-3 levels to find all the items.
  • Chargers – The chargers that you need to complete the collection. Here you can see how many chargers out of the required ones you currently have. Tap the chargers to find or buy more if you need.
  • Complete Collection – Tap the Assemble button to complete the collection. You can complete the collection when you have all the collection items and chargers.
  • Final Collection Item (Artifact) – After you've completed the collection, you get a final collection item (artifact). You can complete collections many times and get artifacts. You can see how many artifacts you've already earned (x1).
  • Completed Collection – Shows that you have completed the collection.
  • Rewards for completing collection – You can get bonuses, chargers, spells and energy for completing collections.
  • Rare Collections – Tap the tab to go to Rare Collections. Assembling a rare collection gives you a worthy reward. You can get collection items for Rare Collections by assembling the required collections.
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