Chapter 4

• Go to Far Beach with strangers
• Witness fight with Olof and monkey, etc.
• Corc wants you to ask Gilles to cook something for Olof to eat
• Yati sees the ghost of his father again.
• Follow the ghost to the NE side of Far Beach
• Notice the boat must talk to Roho about vision
• Return to Village notice commotion
• Agnelo is offering rum to villagers. Muze buys barrel of rum
• Talk to Gilles - he's shaking again
• Talk to Tambusi. Seems Leap Quick Soup is in order this time (their version of chicken soup perhaps?)
• Get items for Leap Quick Soup
• Return to Tambusi and get recipe for Leap Quick Soup, make soup
• Give soup to Gilles
• Go to Oke Lands and talk to Roho. When you get there you find Agnelo.
• Tell Roho about vision. He tells you to find herbs necessary for Potion of Inter World. He also gives you access to his Shop.
• Gather needed herbs. Make potion. Return to Roho.
• Follow Roho to Ancestor's Wood. He explains the guardian spirits. He leaves you there. Use to opportunity to grab the couple of Rarities that are there and a couple of the flowers while heading out. (Don't attempt the cave at this point - not enough time).

• Go talk to Muze. He's got an idea and he needs some herbs.
• Gather the necessary herbs. He takes one and wants you to take the rest to Keja.
• Go to Keja with the herbs. She has no idea what Muze is up to and sends you to get Muze
• Go to Muze - he's not there. Mkulima come over and is angry.

• Go to Mkulima's and see what Muze did.
• Go to the Northern most point of the island where the jungle ends. You'll see a boar in a mudhole. Behind him is a rum barrel. Pick up the rum barrel.
• Return to Keja. She'll take the herbs and agrees to make the charms.
• Talk to Gilles. Talk to him about Vegetable Stew. He'll tell you what's needed to make it.
• Gather the ingredients and return to Gilles. He'll make the stew and give you the recipe.
• Take the stew to Corc on Far Beach. Watch what the monkey does.
• Do the favor for Professor Langst and gather logs.
• Return the box that the monkey stole to Bomani
• Return to Far Beach to talk to Professor Langst again
• Find Corc in Marshy Woods
• Return to Keja - she's finished with the charm
• Go to Muze and talk to him about the rum barrel. The barrel is a Special Item.
• Gilles comes up.
• Talk to Gilles.


Awem Help Center

Chapter 4

• Go to Far Beach with strangers
• Witness fight with Olof and monkey, etc.
• Corc wants you to ask Gilles to cook something for Olof to eat
• Yati sees the ghost of his father again.
• Follow the ghost to the NE side of Far Beach
• Notice the boat must talk to Roho about vision
• Return to Village notice commotion
• Agnelo is offering rum to villagers. Muze buys barrel of rum
• Talk to Gilles - he's shaking again
• Talk to Tambusi. Seems Leap Quick Soup is in order this time (their version of chicken soup perhaps?)
• Get items for Leap Quick Soup
• Return to Tambusi and get recipe for Leap Quick Soup, make soup
• Give soup to Gilles
• Go to Oke Lands and talk to Roho. When you get there you find Agnelo.
• Tell Roho about vision. He tells you to find herbs necessary for Potion of Inter World. He also gives you access to his Shop.
• Gather needed herbs. Make potion. Return to Roho.
• Follow Roho to Ancestor's Wood. He explains the guardian spirits. He leaves you there. Use to opportunity to grab the couple of Rarities that are there and a couple of the flowers while heading out. (Don't attempt the cave at this point - not enough time).

• Go talk to Muze. He's got an idea and he needs some herbs.
• Gather the necessary herbs. He takes one and wants you to take the rest to Keja.
• Go to Keja with the herbs. She has no idea what Muze is up to and sends you to get Muze
• Go to Muze - he's not there. Mkulima come over and is angry.

• Go to Mkulima's and see what Muze did.
• Go to the Northern most point of the island where the jungle ends. You'll see a boar in a mudhole. Behind him is a rum barrel. Pick up the rum barrel.
• Return to Keja. She'll take the herbs and agrees to make the charms.
• Talk to Gilles. Talk to him about Vegetable Stew. He'll tell you what's needed to make it.
• Gather the ingredients and return to Gilles. He'll make the stew and give you the recipe.
• Take the stew to Corc on Far Beach. Watch what the monkey does.
• Do the favor for Professor Langst and gather logs.
• Return the box that the monkey stole to Bomani
• Return to Far Beach to talk to Professor Langst again
• Find Corc in Marshy Woods
• Return to Keja - she's finished with the charm
• Go to Muze and talk to him about the rum barrel. The barrel is a Special Item.
• Gilles comes up.
• Talk to Gilles.


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